Morning Coffee – 13 June 2022

by Nate Hoffelder

After a decade of running The Digital Reader, Nate is a veteran web publisher with experience in design, maintenance, recovery, and troubleshooting. What little he doesn't know, he can learn.

June 13, 2022

Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning.

  • Does Scrabble (or rather, its point system) need to be fixed
  • The UK Society of Authors has come out against hybrid publishers. My position is that authors should understand that they are effectively hiring the hybrid publisher to do work for them, and act accordingly.
  • Publishing Contracts 101
  • The Onyx BOOX Poke4 Lite runs Android 11 and costs $150. 
  • There’s a Kickstarter campaign in the UK which wants to print books with Dyslexia-friendly fonts.  Given that there is no single font which works for all dyslexics, I think ebooks are the better option.
  • Irish libraries are plagued by a whole host of problems related to ebooks – most of which are the fault of publishers

P.S. If I might have a moment of your time for market research, I was thinking of getting these designs printed as door hangers. Would you buy one? Which one?

Hi, I'm Nate.

I build and fix websites for authors, and I am also a tech VA. I can build you a website that looks great and turns visitors into fans, and I can also fix your tech when it breaks. Let me fight with tech support so you don’t have to.

My blog has everything you need to know about websites and online services. Don’t see what you need. or want personalized help? Reach out.

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