Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning.
- Rakuten launched Kobo plus in Singapore and Malaysia.
- Michelle Cutler explains how if you don’t define/brand yourself online, others will do it for you.
- Amazon just added an AI plagiarized music feature to its Alexa speakers. It’s from a company which is already being sued for piracy.
- On a related note, I was reading on FB this week that we should drop the term “AI generated” in favor of phrases like “AI plagiarized”. I think that is a good idea.
- Unbound, the Kickstarter for books, faces an uncertain future. It’s bankrupt and owes hundreds of thousands of dollars to authors, but it’s not clear how those debts will be settled by its new owner.
- The Atlantic has created a search engine for the collection of pirated books which FB and others fed into their AIs. (paywalled article, sorry)
- Oliver Fox shares an alternative to the Hero’s Journey story archetype.