
Say goodbye to all your tech troubles.

Let me handle them while you focus on your next book.

Are you overwhelmed by tech?

You’re an author building your career. You need a website. And a mailing list. And social media.

But you’re confused by technical details – you’re a writer, not an engineer.

What does that error message mean? Why does the text hang off the screen? And why aren’t your newsletters getting seen?

So your website sits there, broken.  Your forms aren’t adding new addresses to your mailing list. Potential fans are wandering away unimpressed, never to return.

Let me take care of your tech for you.

I’ll make sure your website is running in tip-top condition, and that your welcome emails are going out on schedule.

I’ll help you understand this new tech you want to plug into your site, or Facebook, or Twitter, etc.

And if something breaks, I’ll figure out what went wrong and make sure it gets fixed.

Hi, I’m Nate Hoffelder

I am a blogger turned web designer who sees the world as a series of problems to be solved.

In 2010, I launched a news blog called The Digital Reader.  While running the blog I taught myself all the tech skills required to maintain, protect, and update the site.

Let me take what I’ve learned and use it to solve your tech problems.

Here are a few words from happy clients.

Joanna Penn:

Nate helps me with WordPress technical work on my site, The Creative Penn. It’s fantastic to have someone working with me who understands authors and self-publishing, as well as how important my website is to my business. He works quickly and has made recommendations and changes that have benefited the site and I trust him to do a great job. 

Bryan Cohen

My business requires some heavy duty site plugins to work at all times. Nate makes sure my business runs at top speed. There’s nothing better than peace of mind.

Nancy Wyatt

I want to “give a shout out” to Nate Hoffelder. This afternoon, I engaged him to fix a major booboo (the technical term) on one of my websites which had gone straight to a Hot, Fiery, Southern Region. He fixed it in record time and, therefore, could charge me half as much as first projected. I am grateful, as that site represents many years of work in pages and blogs. Thank you, Nate!

I don’t expect you to decide to hire me today. Instead, why don’t you  sign up for my Monday Morning Coffee newsletter?

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