
Hire me as a Webmaster

I have lately been getting more work (both paid and volunteer) as a webmaster for author groups and SF cons. I have in fact gotten enough work that it makes sense for me to list my work history here.

NOTE: This page lists just part of my work experience. For a more complete overview, please take a look at my portfolio.

Web Designer

I have designed the websites for several writing clubs, and I also built the site for an online book expo. That project inspired an open source project called Book Fair Website.

My relevant web design experience includes:

The last site in the list is for an HOA. While that is an entirely different audience, the goals of the site are quite similar to that of a club or SF con.

Website Concerige

One of the services I offer is a monthly support plan I call a website concierge service. My primary customer base is authors, but I have also been hired by several author groups, including:


In addition to being paid to maintain websites, I am also the volunteer junior webmaster for several SF cons, including:

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