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My Blog
Website Security is the Arizona Shark Repellent of the Internet
Shark repellent can be a useful product if you are near or in the ocean and have reason to be...
Eight Signs Your Site May Have Been Hacked
A "black box" is a technical term that is used to describe devices, systems, or objects where you...
How much should it cost to host your WordPress website?
If there is one topic I don't hear often enough, it is the question of cost of webhosting. I have...
How to Get the Most Out of SEO for Your Blogger Site
Blogger may be leading the betting pool for the next Google product to be canceled, but there are...
Infographic: 8 Signs Your Site May Have Been Hacked
Hacking is the ever-present fear shared by all website owners. Unfortunately, a lot of the time it...
The Difference between the services you provide and the needs of a customer
Did you know that all business websites have something in common with persuasive arguments? It...
Nine steps you can take to speed up a WordPress site
Along with security and page size, a site's speed is one of the most important keys to its...
How to add those nifty Typewriter (Typing) and other animated text effects to WordPress
One feature I have always wanted to add to my website is they "typing" effect. It's that thing...
Are paid CDNs like Cloudflare worth the cost? (How to find out)
Ask any web expert how to speed up a website, and one of their suggestions will be to sign up for...
How to troubleshoot common errors on a WordPress site
Wordpress websites are complex, and that is both a blessing and a curse. You can add new features...
Where to Buy My Books
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