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My Blog
Morning Coffee – 18 July 2021
Here are a few stories to read this Sunday morning. But first, I want to pass on one of my...
Morning Coffee – 5 July 2021
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning. Climate fiction, a category that is at least...
Morning Coffee – 27 June 2021
Here are a few stories to read this Sunday morning. Slate delves into the thorny issue of race in...
Morning Coffee – 21 June 2021
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning. The antitrust suit over bundled digital...
Monday Morning Coffee – 14 June 2021
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning. From Crazy Rich Asians to Shrill, authors are...
Upcoming Author Conferences (June 2021)
My next newsletter is going to feature a list of upcoming author conferences. While compiling the...
Morning Coffee 7 June 2021
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning. The NYTimes is wrong to say that X is the best...
Morning Coffee – 31 May 2021
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning. The YA dystopia fad died out for the most...
Morning Coffee – 24 May 2021
Here are a few stories to read this morning. Judging by his dirty limericks, Isaac Asimov would...
Six Email (and Snail Mail) Web Scams to Avoid
Are you worried that that email you just got may be real? While a lot of scam emails have obvious...
Where to Buy My Books
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