Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning.
- I hope I never get as famous as Edgar Allen Poe and have literary historians obsessing over why I never had kids.
- Does your print book infringe on the font copyright?
- Here’s a list of tools you can use to pump up your blog posts.
- Professional feuds are nothing new, but did you know they were once fought in the indices of books? (and probably still are, I bet)
- The Connecticut legislature has put forward a library ebook licensing bill.
P.S. I don’t know about you, but I for one am not surprised to see all these library ebook bills. I never blogged about it, but a few years ago I saw editorials being written about library ebook pricing. I found over 100 different, all of which were published in local papers across the US. This issue has much broader community support than the publishing industry may realize, so much so that laws are going to change. The current price gouging is going to end whether publishers like it or not.