Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning.
- Beware resurrected tech companies; you don’t always know who raised the zombie, or why.
- LitHub delves into the ABA’s embarrassing gaffes last month.
- It may be 2021, but there are still schools teaching lies about slavery. And that is merely the most obvious of falsehoods which are still taught in history books. (For example, we still teach fictions about the legitimacy of colonial charters, etc.)
- DC’s and Marvel’s contracts with comics creators shows why the creators need to unionize. (TV writers have a union, and they have a much better contract.)
- The weirdest thing about this take on modern book reviews is how it is so very old-school, so very New York trad pub centric. (For example, there’s no mention of book bloggers or Twitter reviewers anywhere.)
- There’s another 10″ E-ink writing Slate coming out this year.
- Goodreads is now home to rampant extortion scams.
- Kris Rusch delves into how the pandemic-spurred shift to online sales is going to make it easier for authors to sell direct.
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