The Blog

Morning Coffee – 31 May 2021
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning. The YA dystopia fad died out for the most obvious of reasons. To hell with advice that you...
Morning Coffee – 24 May 2021
Here are a few stories to read this morning. Judging by his dirty limericks, Isaac Asimov would have loved Twitter (and Tumblr). Amazon just...
Six Email (and Snail Mail) Web Scams to Avoid
Are you worried that that email you just got may be real? While a lot of scam emails have obvious flaws, some are more subtle. I've seen scam emails...
Amazon Strikes Deal to Sell eBooks to Libraries
News broke this week that Amazon has signed a distribution agreement with the DPLA (digital Public Library of America) to distribute the 10k ebooks...
Kobo Continues to Play Catch Up With the Launch of the 10.3″ Elipsa eReader
When it comes to ereaders, Kobo has always been either a day late or a dollar short (or both). Their first ereader was both far less capable and...
Morning Coffee 17 May 2021
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning. The Oxford University Press just published a quiz testing your knowledge of the origins of...
Five Mistakes to Make When Designing Your Book Cover
When it comes to getting your next reader, book covers are the most important part of a book. They are the one part of the book that a reader is...
Morning Coffee – 10 May 2021
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning. The bots are getting better at writing. David Gaughran shared his list of Amazon category...
Morning Coffee – 3 May 2021
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning. Microsoft is retiring the Calibri font. Kobo plus launched in Portugal. Have you ever used a...