The Blog
Monday Morning Coffee – 29 May 2023
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning. Did you see this whining about B&N corporate no longer wanting to stock POD titles because...
Morning Coffee – 22 May 2023
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning. This is wild: The data set that was used to train most (all?) text-generative AI includes sex...
Monday Morning Coffee – 15 May 2023
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning. Amazon raised the price of Kindle Unlimited. There's an author suing Amazon, claiming the new...
Morning Coffee – 8 May 2023
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning. Chuck Tingle is now a traditionally published author. Amazon's Tiktok competitor is now...
Monday Morning Coffee – 1 May 2023
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning. Alexander Lores warns writers that if they use ChatGPT, they should check the resulting content...
Monday Morning Coffee – 24 April 2023
Here are a few stories tor read this Monday morning. Writer Beware has a great write up on the difference between copyright and rights. Kent Black...
Monday Morning Coffee – 17 April 2023
Here are a few stories to read this Monday morning. The new B&N Nook cleared the FCC this week. Lately I have been thinking about what would go...
How to Write Your Best Gadget Blog Post
For the past month or so I have been seriously thinking about getting back into gadget blogging, but before I do that I knew I had to figure out how...
Monday Morning Coffee – 10 April 2023
Here are a few stories to read this morning. Rakuten launched Kobo Plus in the USA and UK. Amazon is expanding the use of Transparency codes...